• Contact Number : +91 98100 93892
  • Location : Haryana Ophthalmological Society

Best Paper of Affiliated State Societies:

  1. The best paper of the annual conference of the Affiliated State Society gets an automatic entry into the preliminary round of the free paper session
  2. Hon.Gen. Secretary of the Affiliated State Society shall officially email the following details of the best paper award winner to the chairmanscientificcommittee@aios.org with cc to support@aios-online.com
    Title of the paper
    Presenting Author name and full address
    Presenting Author’s AIOS membership number
    Presenting Author’s email id
    Presenting Author’s mobile number
    Photograph of the presenting author
  3. The presenting author can send the abstract of the winning paper. The guidelines for submitting the abstract have to be adhered to.
  4. The best paper of the state is eligible for AIOS awards if the presenting author is a ratified member of AIOS
  5. If the presenting author is not a ratified member of AIOS, he/she should have applied for membership to present his/her paper in the conference
  6. A non-ratified presenting author is not eligible for any AIOS awards.
  7. He / she has to be resident (JROr SR ) from the state only .