• Contact Number : +91 98100 93892
  • Location : Haryana Ophthalmological Society



HOS New Constitution

HOS Constitution Original Scanned Copy

Article I Name
The name of the Society shall be the “Haryana Ophthalmological Society”. The term "Society" hereinafter used in the constitution shall imply the "Haryana Ophthalmological Society”.

Article II Governance
The society shall be governed by this constitution and its bye-laws.

Article III Registered Office
The Registered office of the Society will be located at a place or address of the Honorary General Secretary.

Article IV Objects
The objects of the Society shall be the cultivation and promotion of the study and practice of ophthalmic sciences, research and man power development with a view to render service to the community and to promote social contacts among ophthalmologists by:

  1. Organising conferences, symposia seminars, workshops, refresher courses, etc., for promotion and mutual exchange of knowledge.
  2. Promoting clinical, experimental, community and operational research in ophthalmology.
  3. Instituting awards, orations, prizes, fellowships, studentships and research grants.
  4. Promoting teaching, training and continuing education in ophthalmology by establishing and maintaining reference library, publishing journals and proceedings of the Society and other such materials.
  5. Organising exhibitions of machinery, implements, tools, appliances etc. pertaining to ophthalmology with a view to encourage and improve the manufacture of such instruments and appliances in Haryana; and also to promote and advise quality control in the manufacture of the aforesaid instruments and appliances
  6. Encouraging formation and affiliation of district ophthalmological Societies.
  7. Promotion of social contact and creating of goodwill amongst the ophthalmologists.
  8. Ensuring ethical practice, and professional conduct of its members as laid down by the society from time to time.
  9. Advising on legislation affecting ophthalmic practice and science of ophthalmology.
  10. Maintaining liaison with the Central Government, State Governments and various appropriate Bodies regarding matters concerning teaching and practice of Ophthalmology and rationalisation of ophthalmic fitness and standards for various jobs.
  11. Raising finances through subscriptions, contributions from members and non-members and creating Special Funds to run the activities of the Society.
  12. Develop academic and scientific research fund.
  13. Acquiring and disposing, movable and immovable property and assets by purchasing, constructing, altering, maintaining, selling or mortgaging properties that may be necessary for the aforesaid objectives.
  14. Framing bye-laws, rules and regulations and to amend, add, alter or delete the same as and when necessary.
  15. Undertake health education to prevent visual impairment and control blindness.
  16. Safe-guarding the interests of profession against unfair persecution.
  17. Doing all such other things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objectives of the Society.
  18. Co-operating with other medical societies/associations.
  19. Promotion of social contact and creating of goodwill amongst the ophthalmologists.
  20. Ensuring ethical practice, and professional conduct of its members as laid down by the society from time to time.
  21. Advising on legislation affecting ophthalmic practice and science of ophthalmology.
  22. Maintaining liaison with the Central Government, State Governments and various appropriate Bodies regarding matters concerning teaching and practice of Ophthalmology and rationalisation of ophthalmic fitness and standards for various jobs.
  23. Raising finances through subscriptions, contributions from members and non-members and creating Special Funds to run the activities of the Society.
  24. Develop academic and scientific research fund.
  25. Acquiring and disposing, movable and immovable property and assets by purchasing, constructing, altering, maintaining, selling or mortgaging properties that may be necessary for the aforesaid objectives.
  26. Framing bye-laws, rules and regulations and to amend, add, alter or delete the same as and when necessary.
  27. Undertake health education to prevent visual impairment and control blindness.
  28. Safe-guarding the interests of profession against unfair persecution.
  29. Doing all such other things as may be incidental to or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objectives of the Society.

Article V Memberships
The memberships of the Society shall consist of:

Medical practitioners holding allopathic qualifications recognised under Schedule I or III of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and interested in the Science and art of Ophthalmology, shall be eligible for annual or life memberships.

Overseas Members will be those persons who fulfill the criteria in clause above and are of foreign origin. They shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the society, but will not be entitled to vote at a meeting of the society or hold position of office.

Any person who has rendered outstanding service to Ophthalmology in general and Indian Ophthalmology in particular shall be eligible to this membership provided his name is recommended and passed at both the meetings of the Managing Committee and the General Body. Hony. Members shall be entitled to participate in all the activities of the Society, but shall not be entitled to vote at a meeting of the Society; or hold position of office or apply for an award.

Ancillary members will be those associated with Ophthalmology e.g. qualified Optometrists, Opticians, Ophthalmic Assistants, Ophthalmic Nurses, Ophthalmic traders and manufacturers. They shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the society but will not be entitled to vote at a meeting of the Society or hold position of office nor apply for an award except those specifically provided from time to time in the Bye laws.

This membership will be renewable. It will comprise of-
a) Medical practitioners holding allopathic qualifications under schedule I and III and Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
b) Non-medical scientists interested in ophthalmic sciences.
c) Spouses of all four classes of members.

Article VI Subscription
The annual subscription for the regular members, overseas members, Ancillary members and associate members will be as stipulated in the bye-laws from time to time.

Article VII Privileges of Membership
1. All regular members and life members shall be entitled to participate in all the activities of the Society including the right to vote and shall also be entitled to receive publications of the Society as provided in the bye-laws.

2. NEW MEMBERS- The application for Memberships duly proposed and seconded by the members of the society shall be recommended by the Managing Committee and ratified by the General Body for admission to the society.

3. Any new member whose application is under consideration is entitled to attend and take part in the deliberations of the conference of the Society if it is held prior to his membership being approved by the General Body but will not have the right to vote till his membership is duly notified by the society.

4. All Associate Members shall be entitled to participate in scientific and social activities of the Society. They shall not be entitled to attend or vote at a General Body Meeting or hold any office.

5. Overseas, Honorary and Ancillary Members shall be entitled to participate in all the activities of the Society, but shall not be entitled to vote at a meeting of the society or hold position of office.

Article VIII Cessation of Membership and re-admission.
1. Membership of the Society will cease
a) by voluntary resignation.
b) if any member has not paid subscription for two years after it has become due and has been notified by regd. letter with acknowledgement due.

2. Before any disciplinary action is taken against any member for any professional misconduct, the member will be served with a notice in writing to appear before the meeting of the managing committee and will be given an opportunity to explain. The Managing Committee shall decide by a two-third majority to delete the name of the member from the membership for any professional misconduct and this decision shall become final on confirmation by the General Body at its next meeting.

3. All the privileges of the members as given in Article VII (i) will be automatically suspended if the subscription remains unpaid for one year.

4. Membership shall cease if any member's registration is cancelled by Medical Council of India or other appropriate licensing authority

5. Membership can be continued on payment of all dues as prescribed
in the bye laws in bye-laws or re-admission as a new member as prescribed in the bye-laws.

Article IX General Body
1. Regular Members shall constitute the General Body of the Society

2. It shall govern the affairs of the society through its elected office-bearers and committees.
3. It shall hold a General Body meeting during the conference ordinarily to be held once a year.

4. Quorum: Minimum of 10% of total members or 10 members whichever is more shall form the Quorum

5. Adjourned Meeting : In case the Quorum is not present at the start of the meeting or during the meeting of the ordinary General Body Meeting it shall adjourn for at least 15 minutes and shall meet on the same day at the same venue.

6. The adjourned meeting will not require any Quorum.

7. All items to be discussed in the General Body must be in the Agenda already circulated or recommended by the Managing Committee.

Article X Special General Body
Special General Body Meeting can be called by any or the following for a specific purpose :
i) The President
ii) On requisition signed by at least 2/3rd members of the Managing Committee.
iii) On a requisition signed by at least 10 members of the Society.
Quorum : 10% of the total members or 10 members whichever is more must be present for the Special General Body Meeting.

Article XI Committees
The following shall be the statutory committees elected by the Society:
Managing Committee
Executive Committee
Scientific Committee
Editorial Committee-Journal and Proceedings

Article XII Managing Committee
The affairs of the society shall be managed by the Managing Committee elected by the general body
1. Composition : It shall consists of :-

A) Office bearers of the Society
i) President
ii) Vice President
iii) Hony. Gen. Secretary
iv) Hony. Jt. Secretary
v) Hony. Treasurer
vi) Editor- Journal & Proceedings
vii) Chairman Scientific Committee

i) Members- There shall be upto one representative from amongst the Regular Members of the society from each group of two/three adjoining Districts alternating every year as shown below:-

Groups of Districts             

A. Ambala   B. Kaithal C. Karnal 
Yamuna Nagar   Kurukshetra Panipat  
D. Rohtak E. Faridabad F. Rewari
Sonepat Gurgaon Mahendergarh
G. Jind  H. Hisar  
Bhiwani Sirsa  

D) Organising Secretary of the last and the next conferences will be co-opted members for the Managing Committee.

E) Ex-Officio Members:
i) Two immediate past Presidents
ii) Immediate Past General Secretary

Special Invitees: Those invited by the President (without voting rights)

2. Functions
a) Managing Committee shall act on behalf of the general body for running the affairs of the Society under its constitution and bye-laws.
b) It shall review the recommendations of the various statutory committees.
c) It shall carry out the policies and mandate of the Society and shall be responsible to it.
d) It shall have power to invest and deal with the money of the Society and to borrow such sums of money as it may resolve for the benefit of the Society.
e) Such money and properties of the Society as are not utilised for the object of the Society may be invested in such manner in such Banks and in such way as the managing committee may at their discretion, think proper and the managing committee may change the investments in order to better fulfil the objects of the Society.
f) The Managing Committee shall have power to purchase construct or acquire on lease or in exchange or on hire, by gift or otherwise, any real or personal property and any rights or privilege necessary or convenient for the purpose of the Society and to improve, develop, manage, sell, mortgage, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the Society, not vested in the trust.
g) Managing Committee may constitute as many sub committees as it deems fir for furtherance of the objects of the Society. These committees may lay down their own procedures of working
h) Decision and recommendations of the Managing Committee shall be subject to approval of the general body.

a) The members of the Managing Committee shall meet as often as required, however (at least) once during the annual conference. Ten Member or 1/3rd of the total number of members whichever is less shall form the quorum.

b) A meeting of managing committee can be covened by any of the following:
i) President
ii) Hony Gen. Secy in consultation with the President
iii) On a written request from at least 50% members of the managing committee.
c) The Hony Gen. Secretary shall circulate the agenda for the meeting at least a month before the date of the meeting.
d) The President shall preside at the meeting of the Managing Committee. In his absence, the Vice-President will preside. In the absence of the President and Vice-President the meeting may elect its own chairman, and for the purpose of the meeting he shall exercise all the powers of the President.
e) The President or Chairman, in the event of a tie, will have a casting vote.
f) The voting may be by show of hands, or by ballot whichever is considered desirable by the President.
a) Whenever it is found inconvenient to call a meeting of the managing committee and whenever the Hony Gen. Secretary in consultation with the President deems it desirable that the opinion of the Managing Committee/Office Bearers Sub Committee be obtained, he shall do so by Registered Post.

Article XIII
a) Composition
i) President                                                  ii) Vice President
iii) Secretary                                                iv) Jt. Secretary
v) Treasurer                                                 vi) Editor
vii) Chairman Scientific Committee
The president may invite any other person/persons as Special invitees but such persons will have no voting rights.
b) Functions :-
Conduct affairs of the Society and meet as often as necessary
1. Executive Committee will carry out the mandate of the Gen. Body and managing Committee and conduct the affairs of the Society. It shall exercise function as given under Article XII (2) in special situations and place them before the managing committee for ratification in the next meeting

2. Three members will form the quorum.
3. The executive committee will meet as often as necessary under the direction of the President or on written requisition by at least 3 members of executive committee.


Article XIV Scientific Committee
The memberships of the Society shall consist of:
1. Composition
a) The scientific committee will be elected once in two years and shall consist of:
i) A Chairman preferably from a PGIMS/Medical College of the Haryana State.
ii) Eight members (One member from each group of districts)
iii) Ex-officio members (entitled to vote)
1. The President and Vice President
2. Hony. Gen. Secretary
3. Editor-Journal and Proceedings

2. Functions :-
a) It shall assist the society in formulating the scientific programme.
b) It shall recommend the names for the award of various medals, prizes orations and guest speakers.
c) It will recommend the subjects and names of the conveners for the annual symposia to be considered by the managing committee and the general body.
d) It will undertake other similar tasks assigned to it by the Society from time to time.
e) The Chairman of the scientific committee will also act as its convener.

Article XV Journal of the Society
1. The Society shall publish a journal called "Haryana Journal of Ophthalmology" & proceedings soon after the conference.
2 The Editor shall be elected once in two years and shall constitute an Editorial Committee which shall comprise of:
a) Editor-Journal & Proceedings
b) Two other members- nominated by Editor in consultation with Executive Committee.
c) Ex-officio members
Chairman of Scientific Committee.

Article XVI
Election and Tenure of Office-Bearers and members of the Statutory Committees.
The Society shall elect the following office bearers.
1. The Vice-President shall be elected by the General Body at each annual conference. He will hold office upto the next annual conference and then become the President the following year.
2. The secretaries, treasurers, other office bearers, Chairman and members of different committees will be elected at a meeting of the General Body for a period of two years or at the end of the 2nd annual conference whichever is longer, at the end of which period they will be eligible for re-election for not more than one more term.
3. Representative members for Managing Committee/Executive Committee/Scientific Committee of Zonal/All India Ophthalmological Society will be elected/nominated by general body on the recommendation of Managing Committee.
4. The election will be by secret ballot as per conditions and procedures laid down in the bye-laws.
5. The Vice-President of the previous year will become president from the last day of the following conference and will continue to be in office till the last day of the next annual conference.
6. Vacancies :
The following succession procedure shall be effective.
i. President will be succeeded by Vice-President.
ii. Hon. Gen. Secretary will be succeeded by Hon. Jt. Secretary
iii) Hon. Treasurer will be nominated by President.
iv) Other office-bearers, chairman of the committees and members shall be nominated by the president subject to ratification by the Executive Committee. The member so elected shall hold office for the residual term.
7. Office-bearers and committee members shall cease to hold office:
a) When the period of their tenure is over.
b) If by a resolution, the General Body decides by a ¾th of the majority of members present that certain office bearer or bearers be removed from office.

Article XVII
Functions of the President and Vice-President.
The President will act on behalf of the Society and will represent the Society during his tenure. The President shall regulate the proceedings of the Society and the managing committee. The President shall uphold the constitution and enforce the rules and regulations framed there under. He shall preside over all the functions of the Society and meetings of all committees.
In the absence of the President the Vice-President shall officiate for him.

Article XVIII
Functions of the Honorary General Secretary
1. The Hon. Gen. Secretary shall manage all correspondence and shall keep the minutes of the Society and Committee meetings which will be read and confirmed at the following meetings respectively. He shall have charge of the office and keep a register of all papers communicated to him. He shall be responsible to the Society for carrying out the resolutions of the Society. All records shall be open to inspection by any member of the Society.
2. All documents, convenants, contracts shall be made jointly by the Hon. Gen. Secretary, The President and the Hon. treasurer.
3. All properties and documents of the Society shall be under the custody of the Honorary General Secretary.
4. The Hon. Gen. Secretary may incur an expenditure in unforeseen circumstances and not provided in the budget upto Rs. 10,000/- and another Rs. 20,000/- with the written permission of the President.

Article XIX
Functions of the Honorary Treasure 1. The Hon. Treasurer shall receive money due to the Society and shall make all payments in accordance with any rules framed by the Managing Committee and shall maintain an accurate account of all such transactions and every receipt given shall be signed by him. He will prepare a statement regarding the financial position of the society jointly with the Hon. Gen. Secretary which will be audited by the certified auditors and present the same at the annual meeting of the General Body for adoption.
2. The Hon. Treasurer shall prepare an annual budget of the society in consultation with Office Bearers sub-committee and place it before the Managing Committee for approval. The budget as approved by the Managing Committee shall be placed before the General Body for final sanction.
The accounts shall be operated by
a) Hon. Gen. Secretary or Hon. Joint-Secretary and
b) By Hon. Treasurer.
He shall maintain a list of current members and their addresses.

Article XX Finances
The finances of the Society shall be kept under:
A) General Account
B) Scientific Committee a/c
General Account: It will include establishment account subscription account, Life Membership account and award account. All these accounts shall be maintained by the Hon. Treasurer under separate heads.
a) The general account will include all receipt and expenditure by way of
i) Subscription
ii) Instruction Course Fee
iii) Advertisement charges (other than for Journal, Proceedings, Scientific Committee).
iv) The account may also include any surplus or deficit generated from meetings, conferences, sympsiums, etc. hosted by Haryana Ophthalmological Society.
v) Sale of any property belonging to the Society.
vi) Payments made towards holding of conference, workshops instruction course, printing, stationary and postage etc. for efficient working of the society and office.
b) Reserve Fund:-
i) All life membership subscriptions shall go to the reserve fund. Only the interest from this will be transferred to general fund.
ii) Any other income or unconditional donations may be added to this fund at the discretion of the managing committee with the approval of the General Body.
iii) The Principal amount of reserve fund is meant for specific purpose of construction of a building for the Headquarters of the Society.

Article XXI Conferences
1. Two months before the date of the conference a preliminary notice will be sent to every member by the Hon. Gen. Secretary.
2. The conference shall be organised by the Haryana Ophthalmological Society.
3. The conference will comprise of:-
i) Symposia on subjects decided by the general body previously.
ii) Orations by members and awards recommended by the scientific committee and by the Managing Committee and approved by the General Body
iii) A number of communications consisting of scientific paper,
case reports, demonstration, films exhibitions, current status programmes instruction courses etc.
4. The audited statement of accounts of the conference shall be submitted by the Hon. Treasurer of the Society for its presentation to the Society within a period of one year.

Article XII Bye-Laws
The society under its constitution shall frame bye-laws for smooth functioning of the affairs of the Society.

Article XXIII
Amendment to the Constitution
1. The Managing Committee may recommend any amendment addition, alteration or deletion to the Constitution, provided they give at least 30 days clear notice with the details of proposed amendments to the members of the Society before the General body meeting.
2. Any member may propose an amendment, addition, alteration or deletion to the constitution giving a minimum of 60 days clear notice before the General Body meeting. The proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing and shall be duly seconded and signed by 10 other members of the Society.
3. Quorum for amendment of constitution shall be the same as that for special General Body Meeting.
4. Any amendment addition, alteration, deletion in the constitution shall be made if approved by 2/3rd majority of the members present at the special General Body Meeting.

Article XXIV
Amendment to the Bye-Laws
1. The managing Committee may recommend any amendment, addition, alteration or deletion to the bye-laws, provided they give at least 30 days clear notice with the details for the proposed amendments to the members of the Society before the General Body Meeting.
2. Any member may propose an amendment addition, alteration or deletion to the bye-laws giving a minimum of 60 days clear notice. before the general body meeting. The proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing and shall be duly seconded and signed by 10 other members of the Society. 3. Quorum for amendment of bye-laws shall be the same as that for General Body Meeting.
4. Any amendment, addition, alteration or deletion in the bye-laws shall be made if approved by simple majority of the members present at the General Body Meeting.

Article XXV
Dissolution of the Society
If upon dissolution of the Society there shall remain after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among members of the Society or any of them, but shall be given or transferred to association or associations, institution or institutions having objects similar to any of the objects of the Society to be determined by the votes of not less than three fifth of the members present personally or by proxy in a meeting at or before the time of the dissolution or in default thereof by any High Court of Judicature in its ordinary original jurisdiction of the State in which the registered office of the Society may be situated at that time.

If anything in these bye-laws is in contravention or in conflict with the constitution the same provisions of the constitution shall have the supremacy.

a) They may be affiliated to the Haryana Ophthalmological Society after being approved by the Managing Committee and the General Body.
b) The societies shall frame their own constitution which shall not be in conflict with the constitution of Haryana Ophthalmological Society. In the absence of their own constitution, they shall follow the constitution and bye-laws of Haryana Ophthalmological Society.
c) Only one society will be affiliated from each District.
d) Each affiliated society shall pay an annual fee of Rs.100/-
e) Each affiliated District/Society must have at least 5 members on its rolls who are members of Haryana Ophthalmological Society
f) District Societies shall be autonomous so far as the internal management and working are concerned.
g) Report of the activities of the societies may be published in the Haryana Journal of Ophthalmology/Proceedings in an abridged form
h) Only District Society may recommend names from amongst their members who are also members of Haryana Ophthalmological Society for inclusion in the managing committee of the parent body as per its constitution and bye-laws.
i) The best paper from the annual conferences of only District Society will be automatically accepted and presented at next Haryana Ophthalmological Society Conference. The Speaker author may be given financial assistance by the District Society for presenting the paper.

Annual subscription for all categories of members shall be decided by General Body from time to time.
(Nominated from District)
a) District having less than 5 members of Haryana Ophthalmological Society will have no representation on the Managing Committee except as provided under the Constitution.

1. No members of the Society from the District in which the conference is held shall be eligible for election as an office bearer.
2. Past Presidents will not contest any election but they may be nominated or co-opted in any committee.
3. No member shall hold more than one office or more than two committee memberships or one office bearer and membership of one committee.

A) Vice-President
1. Must have been a member of good standing for a minimum period of 10 years.
2. Must have held an organisational position either as an office bearer or a member of managing/Executive Committee for a minimum period of one term and attended at least two such meetings.
3. Should have actively participated in the Scientific/organizational activities of the Society.

B) Hon. Gen. Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
Hon. Gen. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer should be from the same city/town.
1. Must have been a member of good standing of the Society for 5 years.
2. Must have been a member of the Managing/Executive Committee for at least one term and attended at least two meetings of the Managing/Executive Committee.
3. Should have actively participated in the Scientific/organisational activities of the Society

C) Chairman Scientific Committee & Editor-Journal & Proceedings:
1. Must have been a member of good standing of the Society for 5 years.
2. Must have been a member of Managing/Executive Committee for at least one term and attended at least two meetings of the Managing/Executive Committee.
3. Should have actively participated in the Scientific/organisational activities of the Society.

D) Rest of the Office-bearers, Chairman and members of all committees.
1. Must have been a member of good standing of the society for 5 years (for office of Chairman) and 3 years (for membership of committee)
2. Attended at least two annual conferences of the Society.
3. Should have actively participated in scientific/organizational activities of the Society.

All office bearers, all members of the managing committee representing the various districts, all chairman and members of all committees are eligible for re-election only once to the same office so that they can serve a maximum of two terms only. President and Vice-President are not eligible for re-election.

Chairman of various committees can co-opt not more than two past presidents in consultation with Executive Committee.

a) Hon. Gen. Secretary shall invite nomination for posts for election two months before the conference date along with preliminary notice of the conference. The proposals must be received on or before a date specified by him.
b) For posts of members of the managing committee representing each district, names of members nominated/elected in their respective district should be received through affiliated district branches wherever they exist. In case nominations are not received by due date, a reminder be sent by Hon. Gen. Secretary to District Societies, to send the nominations at least one month before the conference. In cases where nominations are not received from district societies, nominations proposed and seconded by members will be considered for election.
c) Hon. Gen. Secretary should keep everything ready so that election, if necessary, can be completed expeditiously.
d) Only members and life members will be allowed to vote. Hon. Treasurer will, therefore, keep ready an up-to-date list of such members during election time.
e) President will constitute an election commission consisting of 3 members from amongst the Past Presidents with one of them as Chief Election Officer who will also be the Returning Officer. An aggrieved candidate may represent to the election commission. The representation will be considered by the full commission and the decision of the full commission shall be final and irrevocable.
f) In case of a tie, the casting vote of the President of the meeting will decide the result.
g) The nomination paper of office bearers shall be accompanied by a Bio-data on prescribed proforma.

a) It should be published at least yearly.
b) 25% of the subscription will be allotted annually from the Society's funds towards expenses for the publication of the journal.

a) It will be published before the next annual conference.
b) Deficit in the production of proceedings shall be paid by the society.

Commercial Exhibition : Commercial exhibition will be organised by the society. The rates for the stalls will be decided by the Managing Committee with the approval of the General Body. The stall money shall be collected in toto by the society in advance. The allotment of stalls shall be made by Hon. Gen. Secretary.

1. Any member of the society who is eligible for the award shall be entitled to be considered for the same. If he is a member of any committee discussing the selection of award, he will withdraw from the discussion at that time.
2. All awards shall be once in four years/two years/annually as provided in the bye-laws.
3. No award shall be given to the same person twice.
4. Recipient of the award shall be selected and recommended by the Scientific Committee which may seek the opinion of experts if considered necessary by the committee.
5. All awards will be named uniformly.

a) All conferences will be held by the Society preferably by rotation in each district of Haryana in the last week of November every year.
b) The venue of the conference shall be selected at least one year in advance.
c) Delegate fees will be decided by the Managing Committee from time to time. Late registration after the specified date may be charged 25% extra. Spot registration may be charged 50% extra. Members in various services-registering before the specified date will be allowed to do so without sending their fees in advance. For claiming this privilege they should enclose a certificate from the Head of the institution to the effect that they are serving there. Non residents Indian overseas members and foreign delegates will have to pay in Foreign Exchange.
d) Pre/Post conference course/continuing education course/workshops, refresher course etc. may be arranged with the sanction of the Scientific Committee.
e) No member of Haryana Ophthalmological Society or affiliated Society shall arrange a Scientific programme in the same city within a month of the conference of the Society unless permitted by the Scientific Committee.