• Contact Number : +91 98100 93892
  • Location : Haryana Ophthalmological Society

Information for Authors

Scope of Journal and Objectives
Haryana Journal of Ophthalmology is the official journal of Haryana Ophthalmological Society (HOS). It was initiated in 1997 and bears the ISSN No. 2223-0309. It has been printed for private circulation among members of HOS till 2022. Editorial team intends to make it on line and now invites articles from authors and researchers from all over the world. All submissions would be subjected to a peer-review by team of experts who are on our editorial board. The publication is published quarterly and receives submissions on different categories as listed below. To support postgraduates and fellows there is no article processing or publication fees. HJO prefers good articles that are tailored to post graduates and practicing ophthalmologists.
All submissions should be submitted electronically and have to be mailed at editor.hjo@haryanaophthalmologicalsociety.com

Manuscript Categories :

  • Guest Editorials
  • Review articles
  • Original Article
  • Surgeon’s View point
  • Innovation and Surgical Techniques
  • Case Series
  • Commentaries
  • Image under Lens
  • Research Methodology
  • Peek into History

Guest Editorials
This submission is following invitation only. Topics chosen would be of wider interest of ophthalmologists and will address a subject of current interest. The experts and stalwarts would share the overview and their take on these topics and thus help readers develop an opinion about any new development, technique or new concept in ophthalmology

Review Articles
A review of the literature is published on a particular subject matter and according to a rigorous pre-defined methodology. A review of the literature and data sources pertaining to clinical topics, emphasizing factors such as cause, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, or prevention. We invite review articles on clinical subjects only.

Original Article
This can include Research studies, eg: randomized controlled study, case-control study, cohort study, intervention study, observational study, survey. This is also a platform for ophthalmology residents to publish their thesis work. The studies need to be completed and complete results with analysis and final outcome should be available at the time of submission.

Surgeon’s Viewpoint
This section would be following invitation and will involve a panel discussion in Q&A format on subjects and topics where surgeons have different approaches or viewpoints. This includes discussions on adopting a new device or technique.

Innovation and Surgical Techniques
This would invite submissions on any innovation or modification in existing surgical technique or new device or bringing a cost-effective alternative to any equipment or technology related to ophthalmology or eyecare delivery.

Case Series
This invites a collection 2 or more similar cases. New, interesting and rare cases or unforeseen complications or exceptionally good outcomes can be reported. They should be unique, describing a great diagnostic or therapeutic challenge and should provide a learning point or take-home message for the readers. Cases with clinical significance or implications will be given priority.

This section is for brief discussion on the published article, where authors can further discuss any recent updates in this research or analyze the issues addressed in the focal article. One can restate the issues discussed but should not summarize the focal article exactly in the same way. Title of the commentary should not be the same as the focal article.
Here we also invite concise summary of published articles in a format that is useful for residents pursuing ophthalmology. We will also accept Letter to Editor in this category. Letter to the editor are short letters either responding to a specific article published in HJO or raising new issues. If the former, only letters relating to articles published within the last 6 months will be considered. Letters in response are invited responses to submitted letters.

Image under Lens
Submissions can include up to 4-5 images of unusual or striking examples of clinical entities, laboratory/ocular imaging studies, or therapeutic procedures or surgical step become self-evident on inspection of the illustrations. The images should be of particular interest to ophthalmology residents and fellows.

Research Methodology
This will be section that invites one page submissions from successful authors who can write upon topics like How to initiate scientific writing, Statistics – basics and advanced, Planning trials, Publishing your original work, working upon patent etc…

Peek into History
Rich history of ophthalmology globally and in the state of Haryana can excite and help us advocate ophthalmology. This section would share some of the most exciting progresses and developments that has happened in last 200 years in the field of ophthalmology internationally and at the state of Haryana..

Manuscript Categories and Formatting guidelines:

ARTICLE TYPE Abstract Word Limit Type of study Maximum Figures/Tables Maximum References
Review Article Unstructured Abstract Maximum 300 words Maximum 6000 words (Excluding figures/tables/References/Abstract/Legends) Review of descriptive studies Systematic Review or Meta-analysis 10 figures/10 Tables Maximum 100
Original Article Structured abstract Maximum 250 words Maximum 3500 words (Excluding figures/tables/References/Abstract/Legends) 1.Randomised Controlled Trial 2.Case Control Study 3.Cohort Study 4.Interventional Study 5.Survey Studies 6 Tables/6 Figures Maximum 40
Case Series Unstructured Abstract Maximum 150 words Maximum 1000 words (Excluding figures/tables/References/Abstract/Legends) Case series of 2 or more similar cases with clinical interest 5 Tables/Figures Maximum 10
Guest Editorials Not Required Maximum 1000 words excluding references and title Editorial 5 Tables/Figures Maximum 20
Surgeon’s Viewpoint Unstructured Abstract maximum 200 words Maximum 3000 words Different perspectives in Q and A format 5 Tables/Figures Maximum 30
Commentaries Not Required Maximum 400 words (Excluding figures/tables/References/Legends) Letter To the editor/Single Case Report 2 Tables/Figures Maximum 5
Innovation and Surgical Techniques Unstructured Abstract maximum 150 words Maximum 1000 words Surgical Techniques/ Innovations 4 Tables/Figures Maximum 5
Image Under Lens Not Required Maximum 100 words Clinically relevant Images Maximum 5 images/ one formatted composite image with no more than 5 parts Maximum 5
Research Methodology Unstructured Abstract maximum 200 words Maximum 3000 words (Excluding figures/tables/References/Legends) Research Methodology 5 Tables/Figures Maximum 20
Peek Into History Not Required Maximum 600 words Historical milestone/Method/Technique/Person 2 Tables/Figures Maximum 5

Preparing your Manuscript

Structured Abstract will include following headings in similar order :

  • Introduction (Clearly describing the objective)
  • Methods (Study design, place of study, methods applied, no of patients, exclusion and inclusion criteria, data sources)
  • Results (Results of study in context with the available literature, limitations of study)
  • Conclusion (Concise summary of study along with take home points)
    Formatting :
    The format for manuscript should be in Word format.

Figures/Images/Tables :

  • Images should be of good quality with high resolution, preferably in colour and should not be included in main manuscript.
  • Each image should be less than 2 MB in size.
  • Images can be in JPEG or TIFF file format.
  • Resolution of images should be minimum of 350 dpi.
  • Do not zip the files.
  • Images should be named in sequence as 1a,1b,c or so on and should be mentioned in manuscript as required.
  • Legends of the images should be included at the end of the main manuscript.
  • Tables can be submitted separately as images and should not be included in main manuscript.
  • Tables should directly be made in word file and should not be pasted from other application.
  • Tables should be self-explanatory and submitted in the sequence as they appear in main text.
  • Explanatory matter should be placed in foot notes not in heading.

Reference Styles :

  • References should be numbered in order in which they are mentioned in the text not in alphabetical order.
  • References should be cited in the format of “American Medical Association” (AMA) style.
  • The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus.
  • Avoid using abstract as references.

Presentation :

  • Double spacing in main text.
  • Margins 2.5 cm from all four sides.
  • TIMES NEW ROMAN font styling in word.
  • Page numbering should be done in bottom.
  • Title page should contain; Running Title, Authors names, Affiliations, Corresponding Author name, email address, corresponding address and phone number, Number of words in main text, Number of images/tables, Key Words related to manuscript.
  • Cover letter should consist of; Statement stating source of funding if any, Conflict of interest if any, Patient consent if required, Ethics committee approval if taken, Previous publication if any.
  • Heading should be in title case NOT ALL CAPITALS.
  • Abstract should be provided with full title of the manuscript.
  • American English in full text

Authorship :
Papers should only be submitted to the journal once all contributing authors have given consent. There should be statement in the cover letter stating no conflict of interests among authors.

Ethics and Patient Consent :
Submitted manuscripts should conform to the ICMJE Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scientific work in medical journals.
Studies involving animal/ human and/ or interventional studies should include approval from the institute/hospital Ethics Committee or Review Board whichever deems fit.
Manuscripts involving personal details or pictures revealing the identity of the patients through any means should include a statement stating written or verbal consent taken from the involved patient/guardian.

Funding :
There should be a statement in cover letter about source of any funding or research grant if present.

Acknowledgment :
Individuals who have substantially contributed to the manuscript but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgment section with their contribution described. This includes, but not limited to, technical, writing, material, financial and general support. Written permission must be obtained from each individual before inclusion in the manuscript.

Plagiarism :
Plagiarism is direct copying of text from a previously published source in any format, without permission or acknowledgment. All articles submitted to the HJO need to be checked for possible plagiarism. It is corresponding author’s responsibility to ensure that there is nothing that amounts to plagiarism in their manuscript.
If duplicative text from published sources, whether from the authors’ previous work or not, is identified without proper citation or acknowledgment, the manuscript will not be considered for peer review and will be returned to the authors.