• Contact Number : +91 98100 93892
  • Location : Haryana Ophthalmological Society

1. The Society shall have a Maximum of 4000 members including the founder members/ original subscribers.
2. Eligibility : in order to be admitted as a member no of the society, a person:

  • Must be 21 years of age on the date of admission
  • Should subscribe to the aims and objectives of the society;
  • Must have deposited membership fee and must not be in arrears of payment of such fee as on the date of annual general meeting for continuing as a member
  • Must not be an insolvent and of unsound mind; and
  • Must not have been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude involving imprisonment of one year or more.
  • Must be the resident of India and besides these.
  • Must be an MBBS and MS/DOMS / DNB (Ophthalmology) or having MBBS with admission as PG in Ophthalmology or MBBS with interest in Ophthalmology.

3. Kinds/types/categories of Members: the society shall consist of three (3) different categories of member as under:

  • Founder Member :
    • Members who have founded the Society.
    • Members who have paid Fixed Fee or More than that..
    • The number of founder members shall not exceed 4.
    • The founder members shall also be deemed to have become life members of the society and shall have the privilege of being members of the collegiums without election, in case the total number of members exceeds 4.(need to understand from you )
  • Life Member :
    • Which Will pay an amount of Rs.2,000/-or amount fixed by GBM in a Single Mode.
    • Total Number of Life Members will not exceed 3993.
    • Life Members will be continued to be the members of the Society for his life.
  • Honorary Member :
    • The Member who has been admitted by the Governing Body having distinguished talent and merit or whom Society thinks deemed to be beneficial to the Society will be the Hon. Members.
    • Who have rendered services of outstanding merit to the Society.
    • He/She must be a Citizen of India and not below 25 years of Age.
    • He/She must be nominated without any Membership or Subscription Fee.
    • Number of Honorary Member shall not exceed 3.
    • Hon. Member shall be entitled to attend the meetings and Contribute to the Deliberation but shall have no right to vote.
    • The Society proposes Honorary Membership to Army Personnel (working as Ophthalmologist in State) if they desired so.

4. Membership Fee & Annual Subscription :
(i) The rates for Membership of the Society and the Annual Subscription shall be as under or as fixed by Governing Body from time to time :

As may be decided by the society in its byelaws:
Sr. No Type of Member Admission Fee Annual Subscription
i) Founder Members Rs. 2,000/- Nil
ii) Life Member Rs. 2,000/- Nil
iii) Honorary Member Nil Nil

5. Admission Procedure (for Members other than the Subscribers) :

  • The Admission of a person as a member of the society shall be decided by its governing body from time to time;
  • An individual willing to be a member of the society has to submit an application in prescribed form, and along with supporting documents to the secretary duly filled in and signed and recommended by a regular member of the society.
  • Secretary shall examine the application and place the same before the governing body for a decision.
  • The governing body may accept or reject the application and the decision of the governing body in this regard shall be final. It shall not be bound to assign any reason for it s decision.
  • The approval of the governing body shall be intimated as a member, his name shall be entered in the register of members, to be maintained in such manner & form as prescribed under the Haryana Societies Registration and Regulation Rules, 2012 and he/she will be identity card of the society.
  • The members will be ratified in Annual GBM.

6. Identity card for every Member : Every person admitted as a member will be issued as identity card containing his/her photograph, brief particulars and membership category, duly signed by the individual member and the Secretary of the society.

7. Rights & Obligations of Members :

  • All the member of the society shall be bounded by the rules and regulations of the society as contained in its byelaws and amended from time to time;
  • Eligible members, except an honorary member , shall have a right to cast his vote at the election of the society provided such member is not a defaulter in payment of any dues of the society
  • Every member of the society shall have the right to inspect the books of accounts, books containing the minutes of proceedings of the general meeting, meetings of the governing body and register of member of the society on any working day by giving a notice of seven days;
  • It will be the duty of every member to inform the society about any change in his address, which shall be duly recorded in the register of member of the society and upon which the society shall issue a fresh identity card of such member.

8. Cessation of Membership : Any Person Admitted as a member shall Cease to be a Member of the Society in the following events ;

  • On Death or Resignation by itself
  • Attracts the provisions contained in Section 22 of the Act.
  • Upon his/her acting Contrary to the Aims and Objectives of the Society;
  • Upon such member being founder guilty of a financial misappropriation of funds of society;
  • Upon indictment and Direction for Removal by the District Registrar/Registrar/Registrar General of Society;
  • An Honorary Member shall Cease to be a Member of the Society, if the Governing Body, decided so by passing a Resolution in this behalf.
  • If declare by a resolution of the Executive Committee (Governing Body) of HOS to have acted in away prejudicial to the aims & objectives of the Society. Such members shall have the right of appeal to the higher Executive Authority i.e. General Body of the HOS, who may either reinstate or remove the name from the register of members. The decision of the higher Executive authority shall be final. In case of removal of name from the membership register, the said individual shall stand debarred from reapplying for the membership for a period of 5 years after which he/she may reapply for membership but in such cases the decision of the application shall be taken by the general body.
  • If declared to be of un-sound mind by a court.
  • If convicted by a court of law.